El derecho a la educación a partir de la pandemia Covid 19



Dentro de la presente investigación se ha abordado el tema del derecho a la educación a partir de la pandemia COVID 19, toda vez de que con fecha 17 de marzo del año 2020, a través de Decreto Presidencial No. 1017 se declaró el Estado de Emergencia emitido por el presidente Constitucional de la República del Ecuador y por ende se miró la necesidad de suspender las clases presenciales con la finalidad de continuar con las clases de manera virtual o a distancia precautelando la salud de la humanidad, a través del acuerdo ministerial Nro. MINEDUC-2020-00020-A, decretado por la Ministra de Educación, en tal virtud docentes y estudiantes debieron adaptarse a esta nueva modalidad de aprendizaje virtual.

Palabras clave:

Derecho a la educación, educación virtual. planteles educativos tradicionales, pandemia COVID 19.



This research has addressed the issue of the right to education from the COVID 19 pandemic, since on March 17, 2020, through Presidential Decree No. 1017 was declared a State of Emergency issued by the Constitutional President of the Republic of Ecuador and therefore it was necessary to suspend on-site classes in order to continue with classes virtually or remotely. 1017 declared the State of Emergency issued by the Constitutional President of the Republic of Ecuador and therefore the need to suspend the face-to-face classes in order to continue with classes virtually or remotely to protect the health of humanity, through the ministerial agreement No. MINEDUC-2020-00020-A, decreed by the Minister of Education, in such virtue teachers and students had to adapt to this new mode of virtual learning.


Right to education, virtual education, traditional educational institutions, COVID 19 pandemic.



How to Cite

Puetate Paucar, J. M., Coka Flores, D. F., & Méndez Cabrita, C. M. (2021). El derecho a la educación a partir de la pandemia Covid 19. Revista Conrado, 17(81), 324–329. Retrieved from https://conrado.ucf.edu.cu/index.php/conrado/article/view/1904

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